Doing Great by Doing More — Sarmiento Loriega Law Office

Environment and Climate Change

We offer a wide range of services in the field of environmental law including environmental litigation and enforcement (writs of kalikasan etc. under the Philippine Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases), environmental due diligence and transactional advice, climate change, environmental compliance and regulatory advice, environmental impact assessment and approval of energy, infrastructure, and other development projects. We have invaluable experience in assisting clients in completing their Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) processes necessary to enhance planning and guide in decision-making for their projects. In providing this service, the Firm helps the clients in determining adverse environmental impacts of proposed projects that ultimately result in the issuance of the Environmental Compliance Certificate required for various infrastructure, construction, energy, and mining projects.

We also advise clients on environmental standards compliance issues and providing assistance and preparing documents required for such purpose. Finally, we also offer services to clients in administrative and other proceedings to secure environmental approvals, permits and licenses.
